Even as the magnum opus film "Jodha Akbar" by Ashutosh Gowarikar is set to be released in Cinema theatres all over India, the fiery debate over "Who was Jodha Bai" continues!There is a great divide in the opinions of the Rajput community and the historians as to the true identity of Jodha, if ever she existed!While some say that she was the wife of emperor Akbar, others say that she was the daughter-in-law, which is what is written in most history textbooks that are taught in school here. And yet there are some factions who believe that she was not a princess from Jaipur at all, but the wife of Salim or Jehangir! And again there are some historians who claim that there is no mention of the name "Jodha" in any history books at all!
Evidently, the name Jodha only appears in the past 200 years when Col Todd in his annals and antiquities of Rajasthan writes that Jodha was probably married to Akbar. So the mystery deepens as to who was Jodha?
If you read these news reports, you may be able to understand what all the fuss is about...
However, I strongly feel that all this fuss is just a marketing gimmick to promote the film and make it more interesting to the audience, who will probably go to watch the movie to find answers to all these questions raised!
Well, I found a web page that has the complete and fascinating tale of how Jodhpur landed up in the hands of the Mughal emperor Akbar. And also as to "Who Was Jodha bai"! Read it to know all the answers.
Evidently, the name Jodha only appears in the past 200 years when Col Todd in his annals and antiquities of Rajasthan writes that Jodha was probably married to Akbar. So the mystery deepens as to who was Jodha?
If you read these news reports, you may be able to understand what all the fuss is about...
However, I strongly feel that all this fuss is just a marketing gimmick to promote the film and make it more interesting to the audience, who will probably go to watch the movie to find answers to all these questions raised!
Well, I found a web page that has the complete and fascinating tale of how Jodhpur landed up in the hands of the Mughal emperor Akbar. And also as to "Who Was Jodha bai"! Read it to know all the answers.
Here are some Pictures of the Film Jodha Akbar Music Launch:http://www.filmicafe.com/photo_event_images.php?cat_id=1&subcat_id=2&event_id=478&sort=view
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