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Tuesday 5 February, 2008

Taare Zameen Par - A Movie to Watch

Aamir Khan has done it again! Another great movie under his belt. Taare Zameen Par is a movie about children (read special) and is a must watch for parents. It was released last month and did well. It was also nominated for an award at the Nokia 14th Annual Star Screen Awards 2008. But as we all know the tendency of Aamir Khan to ignore all such award functions, the organizers did the next best thing, that is erected a full size poster of his near the stage so that his presence would not be missed!Aamir Khan is much in the news, how much ever he tries to evade it.

Soon after Taare Zameen Par was over, he is said to have quit smoking and has already started work on his next project, Ghajini. Well, we wish him all the luck.

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